Thursday 9 December 2010

The World's Most Belated Scores!

Well, it's that time of reading again,w hen I apologise for being so late. In my defence, this one isn't my fault int he slightest. I was waiting until roughly a week ago for the marks to be presented to me by Sousunou for the writing section of the last set of tasks and have been waiting (until now) for Skyjacker to get back to me with the same scores, as well as evidence of his objective marker. Having still not received either of Skyjacker's necessary tidbits, I have used an equal mark to give to myself, Sousunou and Stormsoul so that we can move on.

Ultimately, the gist is that I have finally been able to work out the last few tidbits for the scores! So, the end of the first set of tasks leaves us with the following:
  • Hashut's Blessing in first with 37 points (aided by the complete all tasks first bonus)
  • Stormsoul second with 34 points
  • Sousunou third with 31 points
  • Skyjacker fourth with 29 points
As for progress on this month's tasks, I still haven't got around to adding PVA to my river, although I'm thinking that it could quite easily ruin it and I'm still trying to figure out how to do it as is. I keep meaning to finish the sand and rock gluing on my Scree Slope, but things keep getting in the way (was filiming this week and then had a meeting today with a games education course and had to sort out my lost/stolen wallet problem), but this should be able to get done in time. Stormsoul has had parts for her Venom Thicket arrive today and plans to get to work on them A.S.A.P. However, may have to undercoat by brush, since Yorkshire was the worst region hit byt the snow in England ;) Sousunou is trying to work on his scenario primarily, since his materials are in storage at the moment, meaning he may not be able to get to them in time (but fingers crossed!). Skyjacker has, from the grapevine, got something that looks like it should be pretty damned fine when it's completed!

I don't believe that I've said this yet, but it's best to announce it just in case! We added another task to make up for the time extension and we have actually decided what it is now: our choice of painting one rank of models from our army list or a single character! This way, we get to test our colour schemes, everyone gets to see the end result of them and it'll take up a bit of extra time - it also satisfies those that wanted to see models, but haven't done in two and a half months... Since we're all so far ebhind with our terrain as is, we didn't think we needed a second additional objective, especially since we couldn't decide what it should be :D

As for scoring in this second set, we're going for a similar system of points based on the amount of progress per objective. An example (which will formt he basis of our discussion) is:
  1. Chosen terrain: 1 point for a plan of how to do it/how it will look, 2 points for having made it, 3 points for having finished it.
  2. Random terrain: 1 point for a plan of how to do it/how it will look, 2 points for having made it, 3 points for having completed it.
  3. Scenario: The same marks out of 10 procedure as with the written portion of last month (being awarded for enjoyment potential, ingenuity, interestingness and fairness, etc. Note - those are guidelines, not strict points of consideration).
  4. Models: 1 point for construction, 2 points for including the base colours, 3 points for adding the second colours and 4 points for using a third layer (these only count if they are in the colour scheme, which may be changed next month to rectify any problems). Of note - a character must visibly have taken as long as a minimum sized rank.

Any comments and constructive criticisms are most welcome. Would love to start hearing feedback from more than hero of gondor, although I do appreciate his(/her) comments ;)

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