Friday 17 December 2010

Some progress!

Hey to all and sundry, once again! This time around, after 8 days of procrastination and working (simultaneously somehow), we actually have some pictures to put up of our work! I managed to get the majoirty of my rank painted up with very minimal amounts left to do (I.E. basing and deciding if I'm going to have the unit be 10 wide or 7 wide [basically, if I'm going to paint another 3 skeletons or not]), Stormsoul has got the basis of her scenario completed (but she is going to look back through it to see if she wants to keep it the way that it is or not and she wants to add some fluff so that it's not all just rules), I also gave her an early Christmas present (since she gave me one of mine early: the original Star Wars trilogy on DVD because my other set had broken :'( But yay and whoop for the new one!) in the form of some Skaven rats, a couple of spiders and a baby dragon so that she could add them to her Venom Thicket when she's ready and, lastly, Stormsoul has been getting to work with painting some of her wardancers, although she is taking a little more time on one or two of them.

So, to start off with, here are my 7 Dwarf Skeleton Warriors! I realised, once I'd finished doing all of my written scheme (that was applicable to these models - I may have to do the unit champion to get the flesh and beard in as well!), that I had nothing for the weapon handles, nor the shields or bases! So, I decided to have a basic Chaos Black handle, since I didn't want it to detract from the rest of the model, but also didn't want it to blend it - I think it helps to frame them quite nicely. For the shields, I thought I'd be "clever" and steal Stormsoul's wood pattern (the condition of these shields is partly from clipping them off of old models [which will be my zombies] and them being glued ont he wrong way, hence the wood facing out), so they are Graveyard Earth, with a drybrush of Desert Yellow and the cracks are edged with Kommando Khaki (the flat, back side of the shields is also Chaos Black). As for the bases, again I didn't want it to detract, nor blend it, but I also wanted it to fit their mountain home - Space Wolves Grey was the answer, since I wasn't using it anywhere else (unlike the greys for the flesh or the browns of the belts/boots & spear-wraps) and I think to help finish them off nicely, I shall provide a smattering of snow to the base (much like my WotR Dwarfs -

Ah, before I forget, (Stormsoul can confirm this as she sat next to me and I showed her so that I had back-up!) I have used Badab Black, like I said I would, but it's only int he recess of the ribs/stomach area, in the eye sockets and teeth and any cracks in the skulls (such as the big holes at the back of some and the scratches of the one-eyed one. His single eye has been painted Kommando Khaki [I think. It may have been Bleached Bone again...] after all other painting was done).

Stormsoul's scenario is based around her objective marker and trying to remove it from the board for nefarious deeds of corruption or trying to protect it from the blight of the forest's enemies to heal the wounded trees in the area. Sounds very exciting to me and I can't wait to play it (although it'll be easier for me to play at a larger points level when I have the Raise Dead spell!), but it's not ready yet and neither are our models. I haven't asked her if she wants it posted yet, so I won't reveal more than that except to say that the spite itself isn't so defenceless! Mwahahahahahahaha! (Note to self: cut down on exclamation mark use.)

This is the current state of the Christmas present that I mentioned - she's not yet begun painting and placing them because she's been unwell all week and is at work today (I think tomorrow as well) and has been working on her scenario and planning out her Wood Elf building.

Here are the wardancers thus far, meaning that we both only have two tasks left to complete each! I'm not yet sure what she wants said about these models, but they are still in need of bases (although I have custom built a movement tray for them. It's made from cork tile because that's what I had in my hand at the time). The two tasks for her are to make the Wood Elf building and to finish painting her Wardancers/Venom Thicket models (both only half tasks, really). My two tasks left to do are to finish off my Scree Slope and to create a scenario - I have the premise set in mind, but want to add a few eextra quirks to it to make it more interesting still!

I believe that that's all for this update, but I can always edit/add a post to include anything that I've forgotten!

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