Wednesday, 9 February 2011

From grey to green

It's been a while since I last posted and, in fact, I have had stuff ready since the 27th of January, but not got round to taking pictures or updating the blog, so I apologise. A fair few things have happened since last time on a fair few fronts. Stormsoul and I headed down to my parents and had planned to see Sousunou and Lizardman (who's still not bothered to give me a screen name and, thusly, he can have that one for now), who was coming up from the South coast for a week.

 Anyhow, I managed to completely finish painting my army - that's 9 Skeleton Warriors (a
lthough I don't remember which 9), 7 Zombies (again, I don't recall which 7), 2 Cairn Wraiths, a Banshee and my Necromancer (who seemed to need a lot of rectifying and made me keep changing my mind as to how to paint him, but was completed in the end). I have yet to finish basing the army, but I only have 20 models on which to add a little snowflock - however, I am happy with the sateg at which the army is now (basing is always something I've been lazy with and a sort of nice thing to add to a completed model, rather than a completion of it for me).

The gist is, I have now completed my basic 750pts (well, 747pts) army, as well as created a ridiculously long name for it, which I'll get to in a second. I have storyboarded a graphic-novel style strip for showing the next instalment of my fluff, but am slightly chickening out on the drawing part of it and may return to a more literatural version. It is part of the same story as before though, but will detail the actual events of the Dwarfs becoming Undead - you can probably work it out from the previous story, but it will be stated clearly in this segment. Back to the army name: I created it in Khazalid first (also known as Dwarfish), going into the exact use of tense and correct suffixes for the utilisation and implementation of each word - as well as having a translation for it into English (or Reikspiel, depending on which universe you're from). Grom Garaz Gnol Azul Throngaz-a-Ankorak-a-Zhufundaz - a.k.a. Brave, fearless, old, dependable army of the Realm of Rapidriver Watchtower. As you can see, it's a bit of a mouthful, so Lizardman says he'll just call it Old Fearless. Fine by me!

Stormsoul has managed to get a large amount of painting done in the last two days, completing her unit of Wardancers, her Spellsinger, half of her Glade Guard (minus cloaks) and is working on her Dryads and remaining 8 Glade Guard. She's contemplating how to base them, likely using a mixture of static grass and some shrubbery made from clump foliage.

As for a name, she is struggling of how to go about making it, although she plans to do a similar process to me - I.E. translate it into Elvish (a.k.a. Elthin), but also keep the English (/Reikspiel) for people to realise the true meaning. Her plans for fluff are in fruition, but she is only going so far as to mention that it will be more about her army specifically than last time and she is going to produce her rendition of Ariel and the Great Oak.

Lastly, whilst we were 'dahn sahf', we managed to meet up with Lizardman and had a battle between my army and is, just to see how things went and keep limbered up for when we start competing in battle for this. He absolutely creamed me, so it's fortunate that it didn't count towards the battles ahead and we didn't take any pictures/make any notes, which will will try to do for future months. Unfortunately, a scheduling error with Sousunou meant we couldn't meet up with him.

So, until next time!

P.S. It seems that I forgot to mention - our deadline for this set of tasks is Sunday! Also, check out because the webseries starts on Friday at 8:00p.m. GMT!

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