Well, it's getting close to the end of this month and a little progress has been made by most of us. Sousunou has at least built his army from my last hearing, Lizardmen guy has been diligently working away (painted 5 Saurus, 5 Skinks, got an army name, army list and paint scheme from what I've heard), Stormsoul managed to continue work on her remaining Wardancers and Spellsinger (and has undercoated her Dryads and Glade Guard, as well as built 8.5 of the Glade Guard [as well as a model that I put together to be a Waywatcher because I could see any easy way of doing so]) and, lastly, I have completed 10 Skeleton Warriors and 9 Zombies.
With the 10 Skeletons, I managed to devise a new system for the order in which I paint them (that sounds incredibly dull, but it's fantastic news for me as it has created a painting process with absolutely minimal tidying up - excellent for someone that hates painting, such as I). This brings my total Skeleton Warriors up to 23 (although I need to glue the shield onto the standard bearer and have a new standard top that stands out more and is more suited to my theme), meaning 9 left to go and 50% of my army completed. Also, for those that may care, the new ordering of painting is: Warlock Purple, Scorched Brown, Chaos Black, Bleached Bone, Boltgun Metal, Vermin Brown, tidying up, Devlan Mud, Badab Black, then Asurmen Blue.
The 9 Zombies went from built to sprayed, to fully painted today as well! I was really quite pleased with the speed with which I managed it - due in no small part to the reorganisation of painting order again. That's what my day is filled with: attempting to remove as much annoyance/banality from my army building as possible. Anywho, the results can be seen here - for the beer, I used Bermin Brown and applied a little Bleached Bone for foam. Again, for the weirdos out there that care, the ordering is as follows: Scab Red, Scorched Brown, Shadow Grey, Chaos Black, Boltgun Metal, Codex Grey, Fortress Grey, the beards, then any tidying up.
Also, I've decided to start taking pictures of the whole army, for comparison, each time I complete a batch of painting! My next plan is to do the remaining 9 Skeleton Warriors, then the 7 Zombies with the 2 Cairn Wraiths/1 Banshee combo and end with the Necromancer. Things I have yet to do: name my army, write mre fluff/draw something, change the name of my Banshee, paint the rest of my army.
So, I have completed 65.5% of my army, plan to do the 34.5% painting over the next two days, then create a name for the army on my journey down South, where I shall create my fluff/picture (although I am strongly considered giving my best shot at doing a graphic novel style piece for it instead - combining the two and giving me more leniency on the artwork because I fail at non-comic style drawing [and am not great at any other kind either]). Also, when in Essex (Stormsoul shall join me on Monday, Sousunou lives there and Lizardmen guy is popping there for a week too), we plan to try and get a game or two in - at least between Lizardmen and Vampire Counts, maybe Wood Elves, but probably not the Skaven just yet.
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