Monday, 10 January 2011

New Year and New Tasks

It's that time again! "Month 2" has been completed and we move on to month 3 now! As a quick recap, last "month" we were to make a piece of scenery that we had each chosen, make a piece of terrain that we had randomly generated, create a scenario and we later added in to paint either a rank or a single character in our previously decided upon colour schemes.

At this stage I am the only one to have completed all tasks set out so far, Stormsoul is a close second having only one unpainted model from her rank of Wardancers (otherwise completed all tasks), followed by Sousunou who didn't complete any terrain nor the scenario and started 4 rats. Skyjacker is last with no updates of any kind.

So, as a rundown of what each of us have completed:
Hashut's Blessing:
  • 750 point army list (was legal at the time of making it, but now requires a Vampire)
  • Objective Marker
  • Paint scheme
  • Fluff
  • Names for all characters/units
  • Chosen terrain (Raging Torrent)
  • Random Terrain (Scree Slope)
  • Scenario (Will upload and link to it so that it can be downloaded)
  • Paint one rank or a character
  • 750 point army list
  • Objective Marker
  • Paint scheme
  • Background information
  • Names for all characters/units
  • Chosen terrain (Venom Thicket)
  • Random terrain (building)
  • Scenario (Will upload and link to it so that it can be downloaded)
  • Painted 4 out of 5 Wardancers
  • 750 point army list
  • Objective marker
  • Paint Scheme
  • Fluff
  • Names for all characters/units
  • Currently balancing scenario
  • Started to paint 4 rats
  • 750 point army list
  • Paint scheme (Average of 2 shades on 4 locations)
  • Fluff
  • Names for all characters/units
  • An idea for an objective marker
  • Grapevine says work has started on his terrain (Chosen = Blazing Barricade, Random = Haunted Mansion)
Scoring is yet to be done for this month, but we have a surprise for y'all! We have a new gamer joining in - he has agreed to try and catch up, so he's not getting away scott-free. His pseudonym is: (yet to be chosen) and he's decided to go for a Lizardmen army. He's being sorting out which terrain he wants to make and has randomly selected, as well as devising an army list (that he's tweaking), a paint scheme, some names and even started to paint some models.

The next month's tasks are to paint the rest of the army, create a name for said army (since we only named the units and characters. What a wolly to have not thought of the army's name, eh?) and to select at least one of the following: write a piece of fluff, draw something relevant to your army (this may be commissioned, but the amount of requirements to the artist must be in-depth) or to extend current fluff. A little note: at least 3 of us have begun the rest of the painting already...

Also, I seem to have not posted Sousunou's fluff, so here it is:
Vermin Rising
Forg’s fur began to stand on end as the bizarre contraption continued to emit a progressively higher whine. There was a sensation of barely contained energy building up and Forg was not entirely sure the promises made by Skreetz were to be trusted. Finally, the strange form that was Skreetz waved his paw, and an arm seemingly attached to the device pulled the lever. For a heart pounding moment there was absolute silence and Forg began to feel certain that he was being double crossed.  Just as he was about to run the hunched form standing to his side through with his dagger there was a sudden wrench in the very fabric of reality, followed by an ear splitting wail and blinding green light. Forg jumped at this audio-visual onslaught and was torn between holding his paws to his ears, or his one remaining eye.
“See-see. works every time, no-nothing lives when this near.” proclaimed Skreetz excitedly, somewhat muffled through his ‘safeness-thing’ which only now Forg noticed contained conveniently darkened lenses.
Forg turned to inspect the remains of the slaves that had been used as a demonstration. They were gone. Nothing at all remained of the ten victims of this test aside from a few smouldering feet. In fact, nothing remained of much else for a long way behind the test area. Boulders that a giant would have struggled to pick up had oddly shaped holes pierced through them, which were still glowing green, and were dissolving from the inside out. No two holes were alike and the contorting shapes were beginning to give Forg a headache. He turned to Skreetz, “Yes, I take it. You both come too.”
Skreetz stopped breathing for a moment, his mind reeling at the implications of this development. He had not forseen this request, and truth be told did not really want to go along with it as this would mean leaving the relative safety of his boobytrapped laboratory. He usually did not like talking to anyone but himself as this was the only company he could truely trust, most of his dealings were conducted via farsqueeker or his almost sentient constructs.Forg began to stare suspiciously at Skreetz, who caught this glance and quickly tried to appear to be thinking. He uttered “we will come, but it costs more now. double. you pay before we go.”
Forg promptly agreed the price and marked the deal with a pawprint, knowing full well that it was still cheaper than he would get elsewhere. Unfortunatly this is mainly due to the fact that nothing designed by Skreetz has ever worked quite how it was designed to, yet still managed to be just as lethal as he has envisioned.

Forg skurried away to make preparations for his campaign against the overworld and within a few seconds was unable to be seen or heard.
Skreetz felt a sense of satisfaction, relief and something that can only be described as acomplishment. His latest experiment was the fruit of many years of tinkering, tweaking, adjusting and complete overhaul of various ideas and whims. He had always wanted to remove all risk of harm (mostly to himself) from experiments and weapons but could never really bring himself to trust anyone else to do it right. He had been visited by one of the revered master engineers of clan Skryre and forced to take on an apprentice. This actually served his plans well, so he emphatically agreed and set to work on his hapless associate.
Within a month of being together, Skreetz had managed to ‘persuade’ his minion to agree to being fitted with a set of metal legs, grafted straight into the hip. Within another month, he had fitted a fully powered exo-skeleton, enabling him to lift many times his own weight with great ease. Again, even Skreetz’ curse struck. This time in the form of a massive overload in the power systems causing an explosion of tremendous magnitude which was felt for many miles in all directions. Citizens of the empire took great interest in the mysterious disappearance of one of their rural villages, and the smouldering abyss that had replaced it. Many claimed that it was a message from Sigmar to remain devout whilst others spoke of divine blessings from the gods, ending the suffering of the citizens. None truely guessed the real reason.
With much of his research destroyed, and yet more of it encased in cooling bedrock, Skreetz requested a new apprentice to further his work – this was promptly refused, and all possibility of ever having one again was ruled out.
Certain that he was on to something, Skreetz set about locating a suitable specimen for his next project using a legion of specially augmented common rats. Once it was located, neutralised and dragged back to the safety of his lab, he wasted no time before setting to work on the upgrades. This time, he decided it was probably best to fit a release valve of some description to the contraption to avoid any more unpleasant results. He named the resulting hybrid rat-machine ‘Fischnag’ after the sound it had made when he inserted the last warpstone core into the being’s spinal column.

Further testing and fiddling led to yet more upgrades and advancements, each more revolutionary (some would say insane) than the last. Finally, during a paranoid waking dream, his masterpiece was realised. An answer to his every conundrum. His reason for being. Skreetz realised that if he attached his creation to a Warp-lighting canon, all risk of hostility from friend and foe alike to himself would be eliminated due to the remote shutdown apparatus built into his arm. Genius. Even if he was the only one clever enough to realise it.

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