Saturday 30 October 2010

Pre-disaster Update!

Well, managed to finally get hold of something that will hopefully allow me to get much further with my terrain making, as well as allowing Stormsoul to get slightly further with hers. We couldn't find pollyfiller anywhere, so we got something that we though should work just as well: Lightweight Filler. Which means the terrain will be lighter too! Excellent since we're not trying to use it to build muscles... If anybody knows that this will fail, please let me know as soon as possible because I'm planning to get to work using this today!

After all, I have got to build up banks and riverbeds with this stuff, Stormsoul needs it to have a neat, sloped edge for her Venom Thicket, will probably want it a little bit for her "building" and I plan to also use it to make my scree slope more, well, sloped! Since I already had the scree slope, all I need to do is add some cardboard to its base to make it more slopey than it currently is, as well as allowing me to add more rocks and scree/sand etc. As to the cardboard, I spent far too much of yesterday building a new bed (Stormsoul told me to make the bed!) and had a large amount of cardboard left over from packaging - recycling is great for the environment!

Also, Stormsoul has found a few pictures as inspiration for her Wood Elf style building, including some excellent work from "An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields" (found here - and after a quick Google search for "Wood Elf Building", this picture came up (from this website -, which is a large part of inspiration, at least for the utmost basic shape.

Next stage is to get Skyjacker to send me his damnable objective marker picture and get both Sousunou and Skyjacker to give me their scores for the background stuff - then I can actually let everyone know the scores and who's where in ranking so far. Was hoping to get the result sup within the first week, but that's out of the window, especially since I am away (filming a new web-series called Ramblers) for the next two weeks (including my graduation), so will have little time to update this (although Stormsoul might do for me) and won't get any work done until after that, hence me hoping to start today! Lastly, to my knowledge, none of us have started the scenario plans (so I may do that during downtime in filming), but Stormsoul and myself have been thinking of scenario rules to use nonetheless - nothing concrete yet.

Lastly, keep checking in case Skyjacker or Sousunou update their posts on there (in which case, let me know if I haven't already mentioned it here).

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