Sunday, 3 October 2010

Massed masses massing

This time around, we have several updates to include. For my own army, I have completed an outline of my colour scheme and produced the first of a few pieces of fluff (including having to change a name due to the model that I wish to use: Helna's Rangers are now Hilngrim's Rangers...). Stormsoul has named all of her units, an in-depth detail of her colour scheme and begun work on her fluff/background (which will only be posted upon completion). Sousunou sent me his army list on the 29th of September, but I've only just got around to posting it up for him. Skyjacker forgot the new 8th edition % rules and was trying to fit an Ogre Lord into a 750pt army list, so is reworking it as I type. Lastly, I wanted to clarify the "points for objectives" system laid down because we have agreed upon it now.

To start off with, I shall detail my colour scheme thoughts:
Flesh - Base: Fortress Grey
           Shade: Shadow Grey (Possibly Asurmen Blue as well...)
           Highlight: Codex Grey

Bones - Base: Bleached Bone
            Shade 1: Devlan Mud
            Shade 2: Badab Black

Armour - Base: Boltgun Metal
              Shade: Asurmen Blue
              Trim: Warlock Purple (Skeletons) or Scab Red (Zombies)

Character beards/Etheral creatures - Base: Fortress Grey
                                                      Shade: Asurmen Blue
                                                      Highlight: Snot Green

Decorations - Eyes of Wights: Blood Red
                     Weapon trim: Burnished Gold (maybe Badab Black too...)
                     Character trim: Liche Purple
                     Leathers: Scorched Brown or Bestial Brown

My fluff is a set-up to the extended background thoughts I have for my army. Let's see how it fares (note: comments & criticisms welcome, but will only be taken on board after the points have been worked out).

"Rik Grakli Chufbeard swung again and agian, with seemingly wild abandon as his eyes glowed with fury and an unknowable loathing for the despicable grobi that he fell with night on every blow. His axe bit deep, trying to quench his green-eyed hatred, but never would he spill enough of the green-black blood to sate his ever-hungry desire to fulfil the thirst of grudge-killing that his entire race harboured for the jade-skinned foe.
As Duz-Peaks' Silverbeards tore chunks from the invading army, Thane Gruni Chufbeard at their head, leading them to the foul trolls and giants, ever ready to destroy that which threatened the hold and its people, Hilngrim took his expert rangers behind the enemy to wreak havoc upon the crude war machines and decimate the rear ranks of the grobi formations, remaining untouched from both arrow and choppa.

The Ironbeard Militia held the line on the flank furthest from Makaline the Red and the musty scent of the scantily spilt Dwarf blood wafted to him on the breeze of Waaagh! magic abundant on the battlefield. The electric tang of the emerald-aethyr brought with it the damp stench of rotting fungus that heralded the masses of gutted and cleaved orc and goblin-folk. His red hirst kicked in, but he kept himself in check, marvelling at the martial prowess of the unrelenting Dawu. He favoured the king and his champions as tutees and underlings, resolving himself to make thralls and minions of them all."

Moving onto the most necessary part of this post, I'll list the parameters of our little contest for the month, with the end of this round being sometime during the week of the 11th-17th of October (likely 15th-ish).
  • +1pt for complete, legal list (0pts for incomplete/illegal list, -1pt for unstarted/incomplete&illegal list)
  • +*pts for named units/characters (where * is the percentage of named units and characters divided by 10 [this will be rounded to the nearest whole number for simplicity])
  • +0-3pts for fluff/background information on your army (-2pts for nothing, -1pt for less than a paragraph. The points shall be worked out by totalling marks out of 30 [each opponent gives a mark out of 10 and then they are added together], then dividing them by 10 [again, rounding to the nearest whole number])
  • +1-4pts for base colours, +1-4pts for shades/highlights, +1-4pts for further shades/highlights (the range is to allow one point per area [such as flesh, armour, cloaks, hair]. -4pts for no colours at all, -2pt for no shades/highlights per area and -1pt for no third colour per area)
  • +1-3pts for an objective marker (+1pt for an idea, +1pt for the constructed piece, +1pt for painting it. Note: -1pt for nothing)
  • +5pts for completing all stages
  • +3pts for completing all stages first
Hopefully, that simplifies things, but it will be made clear at the end of the month who got how many points for what ;)

Next is Sousunou's army list as he sent it to me. It'd be great if he'd added the % of each selection and if he'd have explaine dsome decisions, but we're still working out the blogging method. When I am posting what he's written, it shall be in orange.

Sousunou: --------------------
- Heroes - 185 pts -

Chieftain   45
Additional hand weapon  2
Tail weapon   8
Poisoned attacks  15

Warlock engineer  15
Level 1    50
Warp Energy Condenser  20
*Doom Rocket   30

- Core - 470 pts -
20 Clanrats   80
Shields    10
Command    20
>> Warpfire Thrower  70
20 Clanrats   80
Shields    10
Spears    10
Command    20
>> Warpfire Thrower  70
20 Skavenslaves   40
Slings    10
20 Skavenslaves   40
Slings    10
- Special - 0 pts -

- Rare - 90 pts -
Warp Lightning cannon  90

- Total - 745 pts -

Stormsoul: For the naming of my army, I decided to give each unit and character an elvish name.
The Spellsinger - Lithoniel
This means "From the ash tree"

Dryads - Lithornrim
This means from "Ash trees" - Due to the above, myself and (you) felt it would be a good idea to have the dryads named after ash trees as well, we toyed with the idea of "the ashling" but I really wanted each to have an elf name.

Glade Guard - The Aech-ohtarrim
Aech is the standard used in this unit, ohtarrim means "warriors".

Wardancers - Merka salkrim
Merka means "wild" and salkrim means "dancers"

For my army, I wanted to keep with a traditional wood elf scheme;
Base colour: Graveyard Earth
Hightlight 1: Desert Yellow
Hightlight 2: Cammando Khaki
(After google searching Ash trees, I found the bark is quite grey in colour and thought the names of the units should reflect in their colours)
Base colour; Goblin Green
Main: Scorpion Green
Base colour: Tallarn Flesh
Main: Elf Flesh
Hightlight 1: Bleached Bone
Base colour: Dark Angels Green
Main: Snot Green
Hightlight: Goblin Green
Base colour: Bestial Brown
Main: Vermin Brown
Base colour: Calthan Brown
Main: Snakebite Leather
Base colour: Boltgun Metal
Main: Chainmail
Highlight: Mithril Silver
For elves, this tends to be complex for me.
Base colour: Iyandun Darksun
Main: Golden Yellow
Hightlight: A mix of Golden Yellow and White
Glade Guard;
Base colour: Iyandun Darksun     Codex Grey
Main: A mix of Iyandun Darksun and Bleached Bone                Fortress Grey
Highlight: A mix of Iyandun Darksun and Skull White             White
Base colour: Scab Red        Blood Red
Main: Blood Red              Blazing Orange
Highlight: Blazing Orange

Next is Stormsoul's paintscheme, preceded by her unit/character names (with reasons as to why, yay!). Whenever I quote her, I shall use pink.

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