As I promised, I have pictures (as ever, I'm late with posting this. Why do I tell everyone I'm always late with this? Hmmm, oh well...) of my progress thus far! Raging Torrent sections, made from cork tile bases, thin strips of cardboard to heighten and define the banks, lightweight filler to build up the banks, a scattering of sand glued down to texture the water, spray black and add paint! The banks are Bestial Brown (to match Stormsoul's base colour so that we can place them on the same table and have the bases match), the water is Ultramarines Blue, with splodge-lines of Hawk Turqoise to show the running water and broken surface tension, highlighted with Ice Blue (I plan to add a few bits of pure Skull White for the very crests etc).
For the bends (of which you can see there are two, both of which curve 90 degrees to the left), I sloped the inside bank gently and the outside bank steeply to show how the sediment would build up in the direction that the water is travelling before the turn. I also added Scorched Brown to where it would be wet (even drbrushing it at the outside corner to show it had sprayed further) and then coated that with 'Ardcoat varnish to make it look freshly wet. I did the same thing to the ford after having built it up with cardboard and lightweight filler, covering it with sand and trying to draw lines into the slopes banking up to the ford. Again, I painted Scorched Brown and added the same splodge-lines as before, then covered the whole of the ford part in 'Ardcoat varnish.
Lastly, the bridge part - same processes as before, but I drybrushed the sprayed black bridge with Fortress Grey. Pretty simple really. Anyway, as for my scenario, I'm currently leaning towards basing it around the "Forest of the Living Dead" scenario, by Richard Irvine (can be found here:, although both Stormsoul and I are looking at for other ideas (amongst other places).
Stormsoul: From having the base shape, I then purchased some trees after finding it much simpler than making each tree from scratch. The trees were purchased at
I went with a range of different trees as it's much more realistic. I used PVA glue to stick the trees in the places, this was quite a slow process as I waited for each tree to dry after a disaster where several fell off. Once all the trees were glued in place, I covered the base in lightweight filler, this was to smooth the sides as well as ensure the trees were secure. It also helped to make the ground look more realistic.
Once this was dry, I simply painted the whole base bestial brown, once this was dry, I stuck static grass on top.
The forest is not yet finished, as I want to add some vines and creatures to make it much more life like and to add in the venom for Venom Thicket.
I went with a range of different trees as it's much more realistic. I used PVA glue to stick the trees in the places, this was quite a slow process as I waited for each tree to dry after a disaster where several fell off. Once all the trees were glued in place, I covered the base in lightweight filler, this was to smooth the sides as well as ensure the trees were secure. It also helped to make the ground look more realistic.
Once this was dry, I simply painted the whole base bestial brown, once this was dry, I stuck static grass on top.
The forest is not yet finished, as I want to add some vines and creatures to make it much more life like and to add in the venom for Venom Thicket.
Hashut's Blessing: Still awaiting any ideas for the extra task or two for us to start! Any help would be appreciated. Until next time...